Рельефное тело c BodyBuilding липосакцией


The patient M., 41 years old, athletic, takes exercises in the gym regularly and professionally, keeps a protein diet. Earlier, physical exercises helped to form the relief of muscles more effectively, especially of the "abs" in abdominal region. But over time, the relief became more difficult to maintain even with increased physical activity and there were small "fat traps" in the waist area.

The thickness of fatty tissue and skin in the lumbar region is 7-8 cm, which is not decreased despite regular exercises and diet.


There is no clearly defined relief of the «abs», the edges of the pectoral muscle are erased even with a significant strain of the rectus abdominis muscle. It is important to correctly and precisely mark the edges of the muscles that will be allocated before the operation. Of course, the muscles must be trained for this — it helps to make a better marking before the operation.

A beautiful relief of the male body is created with the obligatory allocation of oblique abdominal muscles.


A photo-fixation of the preoperative state is performed. After all, the next day the patient M. will see a well-marked relief of all muscles and an enlarged projection of the greater pectoral muscle in the mirror, and he/she will quickly forget what was before the operation. Therefore, the fixation of the initial state is necessary to assess the result over a long period of time.


So, we are waiting for an interesting and complex operation, for rejuvenation and lipomodeling (ultrasound Vaser-lipoplasty) of a male body with lipofilling of the greater pectoral muscle.

The modern ultrasound (VASER) liposuction, it’s more accurate to say that it is liposculpturing of the body, really differs from any other liposuction with its almost unlimited possibilities for sculpting the body (the term High Definition Body Sculpting is used in foreign sources, first introduced by Dr. Alfredo E.Hoyos). Fat is carefully removed with the formation of the relief of each muscle, while some of the fat is used and injected to increase the pectoral muscle in men or women-chest or buttocks or shins. A lot of experience, a filigree technique of operation and great patience are needed so that the surgeon ideally repeats the structure of the body. After all, this operation takes 4-5 hours.


It is necessary to take into account the individual features of the structure of the muscles during the operation, since the result of lipoplasty is the drawing of the edge of each muscle and the formation of so-called «shadows» on the body.

Therefore, there are necessarily photos of the patient in several projections in the operating room.

The technology of lipoplasty (ultrasound Vaser-liposuction) is not simple and consists in using a special ultrasonic generator. It is ultrasound in the areas of «shadows» that removes all of the subcutaneous fat, while retaining its viability. This is important, since this fat is removed and immediately used to increase the deltoid or greater pectoralis muscle in men or the chest and the upper part of the buttocks in women. In addition, only ultrasound can effectively reduce the skin on such a large area and get a pronounced effect of tightening and rejuvenating the skin on the entire body.

Special curved cannulaes draw the upper edge of the gluteal muscle through a single small hole in the intercostal fold, and ultrasound removes all the fat in the waist and draws the lower edges of the latissimus muscle of the back.

Such a thin ultrasonic probe with a transverse distribution of ultrasonic energy in a pulsed mode (Waser mode), removes fat and draws the relief of muscles, and reduces the skin of the body.

Noticeable relief of «abs» can be seen at the end of the operation. This relief clearly corresponds to the structure of the muscles. Of course, the resulting edema at the end of the operation disguises the relief in some way. The occurrences of edema will be passed off after 1-1.5 months after the operation. The relief of muscles becomes more visible during the course of physiotherapy.

The formed relief will last a lifetime, and it is good to hit the gym for its greater improvement, but such debilitating exercises, loads, and diets for the formation of abs are no longer required.


The next day after the surgery, muscle definition, (thoracic, rectus abdominis muscles — «abs», back muscles), complete absence of fat in the waist and a perfect skin contraction are visible. The body becomes younger and athletic, the greater pectoral muscle becomes larger in volume at the top and its edges become more distinct.


It will be necessary to walk for a month in such really comfortable compression overall. This is important for preventing the edema and forming a beautiful muscle definition on the body.



  Before   After


  Before   After
  Before   After
  Before   After
  Before   After
  Before   After
  3D-image   3D-image


Read more about Vaser Liposuction (ultrasound liposuction)


Все фоторепортажи


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